What is the latest stable PHP version?

Currently, the latest stable version is PHP 7.4.

What are the benefits of using the latest stable version?

  • The latest version is the most secure.
  • It’s the fastest version and has the best performance, for example, PHP 7.3 is on average 9% faster than PHP 7.2.
  • It’s the most compatible with the latest versions of popular CMSs like WordPress.

Deprecations in PHP 7.4

New features always come  with the depreciation of old features or components. PHP 7.4 has come up with some known deprecations as well. Lets see what they are:

Short Open Tags

Short open tags ?> are now deprecated and will be completely removed in PHP 8.0.

As the situation stands, this new PHP version looks to be more powerful as compared to its predecessors. Moreover, it will ease various development tasks of the developers, as its new updated functions are precisely built for the modern web applications.

Matri4Web M-Plus 4.7 – Launched – July 2020 !

The much awaited version of our state of art MATRIMONIAL Website Script is now back with a new version !

Matri4Web M-Plus 4.7

The major update to this version is the support for PHP v 7.3

With all other PHP Versions depreciated, we are so glad to be in line with the Industry Standards!

Lots of fine tuning and minor tweaks applied to the FRONTEND and BACKEND.

If you wish to upgrade from the OLD version , get in touch with our Sales Team on sales@matri4web.com

Updates for JUNE 2020 | Matrimonial Website Script – Matri4web

Post Lockdown, Matri4Web is gearing up for the release of its next version Matri4Web M-Plus 4.7

Whats up in the new version ?

  1. The Big Update for PHP 7 is coming up.

Currently following PHP versions are outdated – PHP 5.4 , 5.5 , 5.6 , 7.0 , 7.1
Following PHP versions are supported – PHP 7.2 , 7.3 , 7.4

Hence most HOSTING servers will STOP support for the OUTDATED Versions and we are making sure that, Our product is updated to match the Industry Standards !

2. We are completely revamping the ANDROID MOBILE APP and it is in our Priority list !

Watch out for more !

Cheers !

Matrimonial Website Script Software | May 2020 Updates

We hope all are safe during this lockdown period.

Matri4web has utilised this period to fine tune the product further. Notable updates have been completed.

  1. New SKIN for ADMIN panel
  2. Membership Plans now have additional option to show Description
  3. Other minor tweaks

We continue to set benchmarks and offer the best matrimony software package !

Cheers !